Onpage Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page

Table of Contents

  1. On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page Number
  2. On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page For A
  3. On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page List
  4. On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page Order

The way your page is optimized has a huge impact on its ability to rank. The following are the top on-page ranking factors that can affect your website's search visibility: title tags, meta descriptions, on-page content, internal links, URL structure, header markup, alt text, etc. Although off-page SEO is as important as on-page SEO, but you can’t get off-page SEO without having on-page SEO first. That explains the reason why we will be focusing on on-page SEO in this blog post. There are a few factors about on-page SEO that helps in ranking. Let’s have a look at every factor in detailed: 1.

What is on-page SEO? It's a component of SEO that focuses on optimizing elements on your website, like page speed and keyword density, versus factors outside your website, like backlinks.

On this page, we'll talk more about on-page SEO, from what it is to how to do on-page optimization so that you can maximize your efforts to see the best results.

If you'd like to speak with a specialist about on-page SEO services for your website, you can reach us at 888-601-5359 or contact us online!

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to any optimization that you control and include on your website. With on-page optimizations, you aim to make your website more usable and valuable to users to improve your rankings or visibility in search results on Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Why do on-page SEO?

On-page SEO leads to higher search rankings, increased traffic to your site, and more conversions. The results of on-page SEO take time, but once your on-page SEO strategy gets off the ground, it can make your online rankings and sales soar.

What on-page SEO ranking factors should I optimize?

With on-page SEO, you have several different ranking factors. You want to optimize all these factors. Taking the time to optimize each of these factors will improve your rankings in search results and make your website more competitive and difficult to beat.

On-page optimization factors you should focus on include:

  • URL
  • Title tag
  • Meta description
  • Heading tags
  • Alt tags
  • Keywords
  • Content
  • Speed
  • Internal linking
  • Images
  • Mobile-friendliness

Example of some on-page SEO action items include:

  • Optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions
  • Writing in-depth, quality content
  • Cleaning up your site’s code
  • Streamlining your site’s navigation
  • Speeding up your website

Keep reading to learn how to do on-page optimization for each of these on-page SEO factors!

How to optimize for on-page SEO

Now that you know what factors influence your on-page SEO, you can start optimizing them. Remember, it will take time to optimize your site, as well as see the results from it. Following best practices for these factors, however, will help you create a website that can endure algorithm updates.


What is a URL? Your URL is like an address, but for a page on the Internet.

URLs for your website’s pages should include brief descriptions of the page’s topic.

For example, if you have a page about dog daycares in Daytona Beach, a good URL for that would be www.yoursite.com/dog-daycares-in-daytona. Or, if you have multiple locations, you may use the following format: www.yoursite.com/locations/daytona/dog-daycare.

Including your keyword in your URL instead of a long string of jumbled numbers also makes your site easier to navigate and gives people a better idea of your page topics.

Which of the following URLs would you rather visit, for example?

  • https://www.example.com/category/subcategory/keyword.html
  • https://www.example.com/125typu4f5ww56fifl6639j875fe.html

Use clean, organized URLs — like the first example above — to improve your site’s architecture and help you rank higher in relevant search results.

Title tag

What is a title tag? Your title tag is your page’s title, but it only appears in search results.

In order to show your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), Google has to know what your page is about. Using specific keywords in the title tag of each page (<title>, </title>) makes it easier for search engine crawlers to understand your website.

For example, if you’re targeting the keyword, “dog daycare daytona beach,” you may create the following title tag: “Top Dog Daycare in Daytona Beach | Company Name.” For the best results, limit your title tag to 55 characters to prevent Google from cutting it off in search results and use your targeted keyword at the beginning.

Bonus Reading: How to Write a Tantalizing Title Tag

Meta description

What is a meta description? Your meta description is your page’s summary and appears in SERPs.

A meta description doesn’t influence your on-page optimization directly. It’s a feature that helps users, however, learn more about your page. The fact that Google will bold user search terms that appear in your meta description is another reason to optimize your meta description for on-page SEO.

Include your core and related keywords in your meta description for the best results. Your page about dog daycare in Daytona Beach, for instance, may use the following meta description: “Looking for dog daycare in Daytona Beach? Come to Rover’s for dog daycare, dog grooming, and more!”

For the best results, your meta description should stick to 160 characters.

Heading tags

What is a heading tag? Heading tags break up content with H2s, H3s, and H4s to improve its readability.

When it comes to heading tags, you want to use them for search engines and users. Use heading tags throughout your content to break it up and make it more readable and skimmable for users. You can also add your core or related keywords to provide search engines with more context for your page.

For example, a post about dog daycare may use the following headings:

  • What does dog daycare include?
  • How much does dog daycare cost?
  • How to find the best dog daycare

When writing your heading tags, remember to target your core keyword in your H1 tag.

Alt tags

What is an alt tag? Alt tags provide more information for multimedia, like images and videos.

Search engines can’t see multimedia, so they depend on alt attributes to tell them what multimedia is.

For example, if you have a photo of an apple, your alt tag could say “red delicious apple.” Beyond that, you can add descriptive names to the image files themselves so Google can get a better idea of your multimedia.

Always include an alt tag for your multimedia content. Besides Google, your alt tags also help users that can’t see or interact with your content. Using alt tags makes your content accessible to everyone browsing your site.


What are keywords? Keywords describe words used in SEO to target valuable user queries.

Each page on your site should include text content that discusses the page’s topic.

Even pages that are typically not optimized, such as the “Contact Us” page, can help your business gain recognition online. Using keywords throughout the body text of your page helps Google read it and rank it appropriately.

You should research and compile keywords for each page on your site. Keyword research tools like KeywordsFX and Keywordtool.io can help you understand the keywords people research related to your products and services.

Look at helpful metrics, like monthly search volume and competition, to determine which keywords offer you the most value.

In most cases, smaller companies will focus on long-tail keywords or keywords with three to four words.

Long-tail keywords often have lower monthly search volumes, but they also have lower competition. It’s typically easier to decipher the search intent behind long-tail keywords since they are more specific.

For example, if someone searches the short-tail term, “dog treats,” it’s hard to identify exactly what they want to find. Maybe they’re researching the best dog treats for small dogs, or they might want to try a dog treat recipe.

On the other hand, if someone searches the long-tail phrase, “buy dog treats for puppies,” you know exactly what they want to find — and that they’re ready to purchase.

High-performing SEO campaigns contain both short and long-tail keywords — and the terms you choose to target will depend on your business and goals.


What is content? Content provides users with answers and search engines with context.

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Content is critical to on-page optimization.

With content, you give users a reason to visit your site.

Whether it’s to read a blog post or check out a product page, people browse your content. Optimizing your content can help search engines understand and rank your content, which can lead to people finding your website.

On-page SEO for content revolves around the following practices:

  • Using your keywords in headings and paragraphs
  • Breaking your content into skimmable headings
  • Complementing your content with helpful images
  • Ensuring your content uses correct spelling and grammar
  • Making your content trustworthy and authoritative

In addition, you should regularly add new pages of content to your site so that search engines will see that you’re active online. You can do this with new blog posts, landing pages, and other strategies that show Google you’re hard at work for your customers.

Finding and removing duplicate content also improves your on-page SEO.


Duplicate content refers to blocks of similar content on multiple pages on your website — and it’s undesirable for two reasons:

  1. Google doesn’t know which page to rank: When numerous site pages contain the exact same information, search engines won’t know which page to rank in search results.
  2. Duplicate content confuses site visitors: When visitors encounter duplicate content on your site, it can confuse them, and they may not know what step to take next. Duplicate content throws a wrench in your content funnel and prevents your audience from taking action.

Duplicate content is bad for on-page SEO, so make sure to regularly check your site for duplicate content and remove it.

Page speed

What is page speed? Page speed measures how fast content on a page loads.

With an attention span of less than the common goldfish, 50% of users will abandon a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. People want information, and they want it now!

Search engines like Google also use page speed as a ranking factor. You can control your site speed and page speed, so you want to optimize your page speed. Make your website load faster, and you can rank higher in search results.

Use PageSpeed Insights to check your speed.

PageSpeed Insights will provide you with customized recommendations for speeding up your site. You can also follow some best practices for page speed, like compressing images, eliminating unnecessary website code, and more.

Internal linking

What is internal linking? Internal linking describes linking to and from pages on your website.

Internal linking often gets overlooked when it comes to on-page SEO. As your site grows, however, it’s critical to develop an internal linking process. That’s because internal linking helps crawlers explore your site, discover new content, and understand the context of different pages.

Having little to no internal linking on your pages negatively impacts the user’s ability to access content on your site that is valuable to them. And if they can’t access it, that directly affects your conversion rate.

Use internal links to improve your on-page SEO by:

  • Adding links to relevant, existing content in new posts
  • Adding links from relevant, existing content to new pages

Every internal linking strategy is different, but for the best results, you should make sure that every new page has at least two to three links to it. If you’re struggling to find pages, don’t force a link. Instead, consider creating pillar content.

You can check the status of your internal linking with a free tool like Screaming Frog.


What are images? Images are a form of multimedia that helps people understand and skim content.

Images matter to SEO, as well as users. With images, you can break up your content. You can also provide context, like for complicated processes or difficult-to-describe features. Include images in your content, from stock photos to custom graphics to screenshots.

When adding images to your site, remember to compress your images. Oversized multimedia can slow down your page speed, which can impact your rankings. Remember also to add alt text, as this additional detail makes your website more accessible and can help with rankings in Google Images.

Be sure to also include usability features such as transcriptions for videos and alternate text for images. These are another great place to include your target keywords, and incorporating them can help make your site ADA compliant.


What is mobile-friendliness? Mobile-friendliness describes your site’s usability on mobile devices.

A mobile-friendly website is essential because more than 50% of the Internet’s traffic comes from mobile devices. If people on smartphones and tablets can’t access your site, your rankings in search results will go down.

Search engines like Google, for example, use mobile-friendliness or responsiveness as a ranking factor. This means, if your site isn’t optimized for mobile users, you’re missing out on valuable leads and revenue.

Mobile compatibility isn’t a suggestion anymore. It’s a requirement, especially if you want to rank well for your keywords. Google considers mobile compatibility when it ranks your website. Low compatibility = low rank.

On-page optimization for mobile-friendliness often focuses on developing a responsive site. With a responsive website, you have a single site, which makes it easy to update your website and add new content.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check your site’s responsiveness!

How to evaluate your on-page optimization

Now that you know about on-page SEO, you can evaluate your site’s performance. You can either use a tool to audit your site or you can look at separate pages manually, depending on your preference. If you choose to look manually, you can use these criteria as a basis for on-page optimization.

  • Are you using keywords for every page? Have these keywords been delivering visitors? If they haven’t been, why are you still using the keywords?
  • Are you linking pages on your site to each other? Could this be a way to help visitors get from one point to another with only a click or two?
  • Does your site load quickly? Or do some pages take a long time to load? If you’re having problems, find out where the issue lies. A slow-loading website is something neither human nor bot visitors enjoy!
  • Does your site have fresh content? Has it been more than one or two years? Has anything changed or is it all still relevant?

How to check a competitor’s on-page SEO

You probably don’t have to think too terribly hard to come up with your strongest competitors. Unfortunately, they’re also working hard to establish themselves in your industry, and you can be sure they’re utilizing on-page SEO just like you.

If you want to find out what you could be doing better, check out their websites and take a look at what they’re doing. While they probably have a few secrets up their sleeves, you can get tons of information by just checking out a few pages.

Checking out your competition can also show you areas to improve on your own website, strengthening your business as a whole. Begin to more fully develop your on-page SEO, and you’ll be likely to see your own site’s page rankings start to climb over the coming weeks and months.

On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page Number

On-page SEO vs. off-page SEO: What's the difference?

On-page SEO differs from off-page SEO, another term you’ll likely encounter when trying to boost your online rankings.

What’s the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?

  • On-page SEO: Refers to actions taken on your website, like optimizing your content and streamlining your navigation, to boost your search rankings.
  • Off-page SEO: Refers to actions taken off your website, like earning backlinks from other reputable sites, to boost your search rankings.

Successful SEO requires a healthy combination of on-page and off-page SEO. If you want to learn more about how to use off-page SEO, head over to our off-page SEO guide!

Get professional on-page SEO help

WebFX helps companies grow with on-page SEO, and with so many years in the industry, we know that some businesses just don’t have the time to implement it themselves.

That’s where we come in.

We know all of the strategies and best practices to make sure your business shows at the top of the search results you need to help grow your business. Our award-winning team of SEO professionals shoots for the stars to bolster your company’s bottom line.

Contact us today to learn more about our on-page SEO services!

On-Page SEO Is The Practice Of Optimize Individual Pages or Post On Website For Ranking Higer in Search Engine. If You Are New To SEO And Don’t Know What is On-page SEO and How Does On-Page SEO Works. Then, First Of All, I Recommend You To Know All About On-page SEO And Off-Page SEO Techniques.

On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page For A

What is On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is The Practice of Optimizing Pages Or Post On Website For Ranking Higher In Search Engines. Which Includes Optimize Content For Example site mobile responsive, keyword research and Placements on Right places, images have alt-tags, site loading Loading Time Etc.

According To Moz On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.

If You Are New To SEO Don’t Know About Complete SEO Techniques Then I Suggest you Read Complete SEO Guide On Moz. If You Want to Watch SEO Video Tutorial in Hindi Then Watch On My Youtube Channel.

Because In This Post I Will Show You Only On-Page SEO Checklist. if You Already Know All About SEO But Don’t Know Which Are The Complete On-Page SEO Checklist Then This Post Helps You.

On-Page Ranking Factors

When Google Bot Crawling Or Any Other Search Engines Bots Or Spiders Visit To Any Website Page Then They Look At All The Factors. if You are Well Optimized Your Page With Proper On-page SEO Techniques Then It’s Easy To Understand About Your Web Pages For Search Engines.

Take A Look At Bottom Image if You Need To Know in Depth On-page Optimization.

After Taking A look To Above Image I hope Now You Have Basic Understanding of How On-Page Optimization Works.

On-Page SEO Checklist

On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page List

Backlinks Are Also Play A important Role To Rank Any Post Or Webpage. but Keep in Mind Before Building Backlinks, First of All, You Need To Optimized Your Website With Follow All The On-Page SEO Techniques.

Because if you Are Well Optimized Your Webpages Then When Google Spider or Bot Crawling Visit Your website Then Spider Take A look To All On-Page SEO Factors. If You Are Well Optimized Your webpages Then it’s Easy To Understand your Post Or webpage For Google Bot or Spider.

After Complete On-Page Optimization You Need To Promote Your Content Via Methods Which Involves in Off Page SEO.

Now Come To The Poing Here is The List Of All On-page SEO Checklist & Ranking Factors.

  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • No-index tags
  • HTTPs setup
  • Mobile-first indexing
  • Heading tags H1 tags, H2, and H3 tags
  • CTR optimization
  • URL structure
  • The beginning of your post
  • Images
  • Thin content
  • External links
  • Broken links
  • Add Table of Contents
  • Keyword placements
  • Make fonts easy to read
  • UX & copywriting
  • Load time & Speed Optimization
  • Schema markup
  • Social signals

On Page Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page Order

In This Post, I Describe Some Of the on-Page SEO Factors From This Checklist.

#Title Tags

Title Tags Play Important Role If You Want to Get More Click To Your Webpage From Search Engine. Put Your Focus Keyword In the Title. And It’s Does not matter your Focus Keyword In The Starting Or End Or Middle.

But Keep In Mind Title Lenth Most Important Title Lenth Should Be 40 To 70 Characters. If you Write More Then 70 Character Then It’s Cutt of In the Search Results.

Onpage Seo Factors: How To Create A Perfectly Optimized Page

#Meta Description

Meta Description Also Very Important And Make Sure that Your Meta Description Also Include Your Main Keywords. You Can place Meta Description In First, Middle Or last. Have A look At Bottom image.

Try to Write Informational Meta Description So When User Read Description Then Find informative information then Click On Your link.

#No-index Tag

Check your Robots.txt File And if you Don’t Want to index Your Any Page or Post Then No-index Tag To It. But if you Want to index You Webpages Or post Then Remove no-index Tags.

#HTTPs Setup

Search Engine Give More Importance To Those webpages which Secure Their Website With SSL. If you Don’t Have Budget To Purchase premium SSL Certificate then Use any Free.

According To webopedia SSL (pronounced as separate letters) is short for Secure Sockets Layer. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data − a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message.

#Mobile First Indexing

Make Your Webpages mobile First Indexing Friendly Because of Huge Of Queries Search From Mobile Devices every day.

if You Don’t Know About Mobile First Indexing Then Read This Guide On Moz.

#Heading Tags

Heading Tags Are Most Important When We Are performing On-page SEO. Heading Tags Are H1 To H6. And Make Sure You Can use At least H1, H2, H3 Heading Tags In Article.

#CTR Optimization

When You Analysis Your Traffic From Google Analytics. And You Get Only Impressions But Not getting Click that’s Means You Need To Change Your Title. Because User Don’t Find Your Title Tag Informational.

CTR Means Click-Through-Rate. if you Getting More Click From Search Engine And Visitors Engage To Your Content. Then Your Chances Are Higher To Ranking.

#URl Structure

Make Sure That’s Your Permalink Include Your target Keyword. And Don’t use Stopping Words in URLs. Try To Write Short And Keyword-Rich URLs.

#Beginning Of Post

When you are Writing Any Article Then Try To Place Your Target Keyword in First Paragraph and make It Bold. It’s also Helps To Get Ranking Via Voice Search. So place Your Primary Keywords At The Beginning Of Post.

#Images Optimization

Put Your keyword in image Alt Tag But Do It With Right Techniques Try To Little Bit change Alt Tag. Your Image Name Should involve Keyword. if Any Other Then Rename The Image.

#Thin content

#External links

#Broken links

#Add Table of Contents

#Keyword placements

#Make fonts easy to read

#UX & copywriting

#Load time & Speed Optimization

#Schema markup

#Social signals

on page seo checklist for 2019 Video Tutorial


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