Mori Dmg 5100 Coolant Tank Clean

Unprecedented Rigidity and Accuracy - Ultimate Hybrid Structure

  1. DMG MORI developed a “Zero Sludge Coolant Tank” to efficiently recover micro sludges in the coolant. With Zero Sludge Coolant Tank, some nozzles were arranged in the coolant tank. As a result, an optimum coolant flow is formed, and micro sludges can be efficiently collected by the high precision cyclone filter.
  2. Thru spindle coolant (40bar) and 1400 litre coolant tank. Renishaw tool laser. External Chiller system cooling the spindles and axis for accuracy. The machine also comes with a Renishaw RMP60 probe and a laser calibration tool. It will not come with any other tooling. (Although could be open to offers) machine run 24hours a day on multi shifts.
  3. An emulsion type, water-miscible metalworking fluid with excellent cleaning properties that keeps machines, workpieces and coolant clean. 152 View 0 Machining 2018/12/21 UP.
  4. Clean the coolant tank with a space or shovel. Blow compressed air through the coolant filters. Reinstall the coolant filters. This procedure continues next page 7 8. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 3. Coolant Tank Filter PROCEDURE 13. Push the coolant tank into the machine unitl firmly pressed against the casting surface of the bed.
Mori dmg 5100 coolant tank cleaning

Used DMG MORI - We have 99 listings for DMG MORI listed below. Find items by using the following search options. You can also click on the column heading to sort through the listings. For more information on an item, contact the seller directly.

  • Super-wide slideways (X- / Y-axis) to minimize quadrant projection
  • High-rigidity roller guides (Z-axis)
  • Optimized column shape substantially reduces thermal displacement

Best Chip Disposal Solution in the Industry

  • Coolant tank for collecting casting sludge (option)
  • Through-spindle coolant system (unit on coolant tank) <option>
  • Chip conveyor (internal, spiral type) <option>

Mori Dmg 5100 Coolant Tank Cleaner

Pursuit of usability

Mori Dmg 5100 Coolant Tank Cleaning

  • Accessibility - excellent access to the table and a wide door opening
  • Loading and unloading with a crane - the ceiling part also opens
  • By changing the spindle unit to a complete unit, which also includes the rear bearing units, we were able to reduce the spindle replacement time.