Linux Docker For Mac Localhost Equivalenttoylasopa
Just like in XAMPP how you go to localhost/phpmyadmin to get the database management tool, well. With this you go to localhost:8080 to get to the adminer db tool. Let's also setup Mysqli to work inside our PHP container. Here's my Dockerfile code: FROM php:7.4-apache RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli. I know that's a lot of code to process. MAC is abbreviated as Media Access Control. It is a unique 48 bit(6-byte) address assigned to a Network Interface. It is almost used in all the Network Devices which has network controller in it. It will always show in this form 00:07:Y7:1C:6L:03. Find MAC Address in Linux. Also Read: 25 Useful Linux SS Command Examples to Monitor Network. Edit /etc/hosts. (MUST contain docker-for-desktop name on first localhost line) It will look like this (after edit): localhost docker-for-desktop broadcasthost::1 localhost. Reinstall Kubernetes from Docker Preferences Panel. Restart Docker Desktop.
Docker For Mac Download
There's WineHQ to run Windows applications on Linux (and macOS). But, what about other way around? What if you want to run Linux applications on Windows (and Mac). Docker is the answer but it if you think that Docker only can run terminal applications then you're wrong.
Q: Why would you like to run GUI applications inside Docker?
A: Bad question. I don't know. This tutorial is not about the reason. It could be any reason.
Q: How can you run GUI applications inside a Docker container on Windows, Linux and Mac hosts?
A: Good question. I know the answer.
I am using a simple Docker image that I have created and uploaded into DockerHub. You can use it directly or make your own. It's as simple as this:
For Windows
- Install VcXsrv Windows X Server using the address below
- Install & start XLaunch with usual Windows setup (a.k.a. next next) until you get to Extra Settings. Check all options as below and finish configuration. It's important to disable access control. Otherwise, the request from Docker will be rejected.
- Get your IP address using ipconfig command (My IP address was yours might be different)
- Run Firefox GUI as below
Linux Docker For Mac Localhost Equivalenttoylasopa Settings
docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY= aliustaoglu/firefox
This will create a container and from this container Firefox will run. When you finish with it, the container will be removed (--rm)
Quite easy
For Mac
For macOS we need to install xQuartz. You can use brew:
brew cask install xQuartz
Or download the dmg file:
After installing xQuartz, run it and check the option 'Allow connections from network clients'. Keep xQuarts running.
Now find your local IP address using ifconfig
or any other method you know. My address was And run bellow command:
xhost +
Now we are ready to run the docker image:
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY= -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix aliustaoglu/firefox
For Linux
X11 (X Windows System) is the GUI environment in Unix operating systems. Since it's a native Linux platform we don't need to install xQuartz or XLaunch as Linux already has it. We only need to run this command:
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix aliustaoglu/firefox