Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade


  1. Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts
  2. Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Ngss
  3. Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Reference Sheet

Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

Motivate your students with humorous Readers Theater scripts. Your students will have fun while building important life skills (e.g., confidence speaking in front of a group, teamwork, focus, and fluency). Choose scripts related to a specific subject (e.g., health, history) or fun stories to read aloud from our growing buffet of scripts. Many of our scripts have humorous elements, but may not be listed below.

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***Consider having students create their own short, two-part humorous Readers Theater scripts with knock knock jokes! ;)

Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Ngss

Humormr. macHumormr. Mac

Congrats to both 6th grade teams for getting the win against Sunset, girls 23-19, boys 26-19. 6th grade boys vs. Heritage highlights. 6th grade boys vs. Heritage highlights. January 7 at 5:28 PM 6th grade boys vs. Heritage highlights. We love science in 6th grade - whether it be designing the procedures to build our own crates, the exploration of the cosmos, the atmosphere and the weather, interactions in nature, or the energy and forces that surround us. Science is a subject which should kindle passion from the heart, not just the intellect.

Click on a Readers Theater script title below to read an excerpt from the script and access the printable PDF(complete with annotated curriculum links for easy lesson plans).

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Two ways to print this free 6th grade math educational worksheet: 1 – Best Quality Download the 6th grade math review worksheet PDF file. 2 – Easy Print directly in your browser using the free 6th grade math review worksheet printable. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

IMPORTANT: Most of our scripts are available to our paying Script Buffet Club members only. Each one pays a little and reaps a lot. :)

R = Readability grade level (based on Flesch-Kincaide Readability Formula)

Below are script titles in order of publication, most recent first. It may be a long list.

= exclusive for Script Buffet Club paying members

Humormr. Mac's 6th Grade Reference Sheet

NOTE: To see the rest of the list, click 'more articles >>' at the bottom of the page.