Game Save Editor For Mac
Save Editor for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Edits savedata dumped from the Nintendo Switch. Bring your own save file data; this program does not dump it from your console. MyHorizons by Cuyler36. Some portions of code are liberally adapted from Cuyler36's project above. Refer to the Wiki for more information. Well, the save editor is in the same folder as the executable, when I open the editor it appears as a window with 'open save file' being clickable, when clicked it opens another window to search for the save file manually, after that I can't seem to find the save files even when going through the whole directory of the game, not even the.exe.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What's your relationship to AtomTeam (the developer & publisher of ATOM RPG)
None. Just a happy fan.
- Are you harvesting my personal data / saved game files?
No. Thanks to some clever libraries by some clever folks, I was able to do all the work within your browser. Your IP address is probably in a server log somewhere, but that's all.
- Why a web page? Most editors are EXEs. If you were an EXE, we wouldn't have to mess around with the Load and Save Dialogs!
Two reasons:
- Firstly, I wouldn't download and trust a random EXE I found on the internet, so why should I expect you to?
- Secondly, it's I needed a personal project to refresh my somewhat rusty JavaScript skills after a couple of years rocking backend services and big data ;-)
- You filthy cheater! Get gud you lozer!
I don't like to play games twice (unless it's years apart), and I don't like to feel I'm missing things on my single playthrough.
To be honest, I found myself save scumming a lot. So whacking up my Tinkering, Technology, Personality and Luck stats has greatly improved my experience without devaluating the value of the skill points I get through leveling. Similarly, the game is a lot more fun (for me) when I can see my follower's health and what the opposition is armed with, so I gave myself the corresponding perks rather than having to chose those and the 'mandatory' ones.
- Why don't the Load / Save game dialogs default to the correct location?
Browser security prevents it. Trust me, its a good thing. If a web page could control where files were loaded from or saved to it could easily read a personal file or overwrite a system file with a virus.
Even the path to places like MyDocuments can include the signed-in user's name, so the browser won't even share the name of the folder you selected in the File Open dialog with me...
- Wow. Why is your web-page like 750KB in size, yet looks like it was designed in 1995?!?
Size: I was too lazy to work out how to lazy load the Monaco library (~710KB), and pull in more of JQuery than I really need. Maybe I'll optimize in a later version...
Look: Umm... err... no real excuse. I suck at pushing pixels and have always depended on designers at work.
- Why are the stats limited to 10 and skills to 199?
I haven't done any testing personally, but posts on Steam suggest going over these limits cause Bad Things To Happen™ for now. These limits only apply to values in the Simple Editor, so if you want to exceed them, you can do so through the Advanced Editor.
- Can you edit X for me / help me with my Save File?
No, I'm lazy and this is a side project I mostly knocked together one Sunday. You can use the Advanced editor to edit pretty much anything yourself though.
- Have you seen anything interesting in the Save Game files?
Yes. The original names of the stats, that Skeletons are actually chests (logical when you think about it, but it does mean they have associated properties for things like lock difficulty and pin number!), cars have a speed value, and that you character model is scaled down.
Release Notes
- v. 2109-02-09 Beta Release
- Fixed 'Cannot read property 'level' of undefined' error rendering the Simple Editor when the tutorial guy from the Training Camp is in the party.
- Fixed bug where the cap for stats was also being applied to Free Skill Points, Free Stat Points, Free Spec Points and Spec Level.
- Updated text on intro page.
- Moved from Alpha to Beta since I've now completed the game on an edited save.
- v. 2109-02-5 FireFox fix
- Fixed FireFox specific error 'evaluating 'gzipFile.lastModifiedDate.toLocaleDateString'.'
- v. 2019-01-26 Initial (Alpha) Release
- Initial release.
Game Save Editor For Mac Download
Download: PS4Packer v1.0.1.1 / GTA V Save Editor v2.3.0.0 / XB36Hazards_Installer.rar (2.2 MB - Mirror by Figure03)
Based on their recent Tweets it appears Save Wizard is planning to introduce several new features to their application directly, which isn't surprising as PS4 Developers have also made progress with savegames in recent months so here's to hoping we see some free / open-source PlayStation 4 save editors in the pipeline from sceners.
Below are some additional details from XB36Hazard on Discord via @Bultra about his recent updates, to quote:
'Each user/device id for 'Save Wizard' can only edit 4 PSN accounts. You can change theses accounts every month. Save Wizard checks for the profile id when save is uploaded, if its not on the valid list then the save is denied.
If there is another way to decrypt/encrypt PS4 saves for V you can still use my save editor for free. Save Wizard is only used to encrypt/decrypt the saves.'
To quote from
To quote from
How to mod GTA V on PS4
This video will show you how to mod GTA V on PS4 using GTA V Save Editor.
Grand Theft Auto V - PS4 Modded Save - Game Play
Game Play of GTA V modded save via GTA V Save Editor, Version
Big THANKS to @Bultra for sharing these updates with us and to @xxmcvapourxx for lending a hand also!